12 Simple Ways to Embrace a Healthier 2024

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Happy New Year!! As we usher in a new year, it’s a perfect opportunity to revamp our health routines and set the tone for a vibrant and healthier 2024. Achieving wellness doesn’t always require drastic changes; sometimes, it’s the small, consistent habits that make the most significant impact. Here are twelve practical tips to help you kickstart a healthier lifestyle this year.

  1. Brew Your Morning Cup: Start your day by brewing your coffee at home. Not only does this save money, but it also allows you to control the ingredients and sugar content, making for a healthier start. This will help me cut back on my cold brew coffee’s from Starbucks. Using Wandering Bear Coffee in my iced coffee will not only save me money but it’s organic coffee which is better for you than pesticide-sprayed coffee from Starbucks. (check out my coffee lovers gift guide if you need items to stock your home coffee bar) If you don’t drink coffee then brew your own tea at home. Pique Life tea has the purest organic ceremonial grade teas! Teas to support your metabolism, healthy skin, gut health and if you’re doing intermittent fasting this year they even have teas you can drink during your fasting window. (formulated with Dr. Fung himself!)
  2. Prioritize Protein: Make sure each meal includes a healthy source of protein. Whether it’s meats, legumes, tofu, or greek yogurt, adequate protein intake helps maintain muscle mass and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. 30 grams of protein (minimum) at each meal is a good start! On busy mornings you can utilize a healthy protein shake to help you reach this goal. One of my favorites is Equip Prime Protein (code: CARRIEFIT for 15% off) which is made out of pure beef isolate protein which is a more bioavailable protein (meaning your body can absorb it better). If you want a meal replacement shake then I highly recommend HLTH Code low carb shakes (they just came out with a plant-based protein for those of you that don’t eat meat – code CARRIEFIT gets you 15% off your first order). 
  3. Hydration is Key: Keep a water bottle handy and sip throughout the day. Staying hydrated aids digestion, boosts energy levels, and supports overall bodily functions. Using a stainless steel reusable water bottle is also better for you and our environment. Two of my favorites are Ice Shaker and The Coldest Water Bottle. Adding in an electrolyte is also a great way to keep your electrolytes at optimal levels. Check out my top recommended electrolyte brands.
  4. Opt for Filtered Water: Invest in a reliable water filtration system or use a filtered water pitcher. Filtered water helps remove impurities, such as chlorine, lead, and other contaminants, providing cleaner and better-tasting water. Staying hydrated with clean water is essential for overall health and can positively impact digestion, skin health, and energy levels.
  5. Mindful Eating, No Snacking: Practice mindful and intentional eating, avoiding unnecessary snacking between meals. Plan balanced meals that include protein, healthy fats, & fiber to help sustain energy levels throughout the day. Mindful eating reduces mindless snacking, aiding in better digestion and maintaining a healthier weight. Boost your weekday routine or create a lifestyle filled with wholesome foods. Hungryroot offers both.
  6. Consider Healthy Supplements: Explore incorporating essential vitamins and minerals through supplements to support your overall health. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to identify any potential deficiencies and determine which supplements could benefit you. Supplements such as Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, or multivitamins can complement a balanced diet and support optimal health when used appropriately and in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. My top supplements I’ll be using this year are the following: Beef Organ Supplements (read my blog post about why – use code: CARRIEFIT for 15% off first order or 25% off first subscription), Vitamin D3 (at least in the winter since we live in the northeast), CBD, Collagen powder (code 10OFFGL), magnesium before bed, and a new supplement I just started trying – Colostrum.
  7. Move More, Sit Less: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Take short walks, use stairs instead of elevators, or dedicate time for exercise. Small bursts of movement can make a big difference. Tracking your steps is a great way to start! Take small “step breaks” throughout your day to help you reach your goal. Each month try increasing your steps by 1000. If you need a good pedometer, this is the one I recommend (Code: CARRIEFIT20 for 20% off). Another great way to add movement to your day is through The Prehab Guys App. If you need help with mobility, tight upper back, shoulder rehab, knee strengthening exercises and so much more! Code: CARRIEFIT gets you a free 14-day trial. I’m committed to doing their daily prehab exercise every day this year!
  8. Harness Red Light Therapy: Consider incorporating red light therapy into your routine. Whether through specialized lamps or devices, red light therapy has shown promise in promoting skin health, reducing inflammation, and aiding in muscle recovery. Always follow usage guidelines for safe and effective results. I have a goal of working my red light therapy into my daily habits. LifePro has some amazing and affordable red light therapy devices. If you have back aches…their red light therapy belt is amazing for your low back.
  9. Explore Home Cooking: Experiment with cooking at home. Not only does it give you control over ingredients, but it also encourages healthier choices and allows you to explore new recipes and flavors. I do a lot of cooking at home, but this year I want to branch out and try new recipes. Yesterday I made deviled eggs for the first time ever lol. If you need healthy groceries on hand to help you get started with cooking more at home I recommend trying HungryRoot. Right now you can get 50% off your first order of $99+ and a free gift! Using healthy sauces and condiments that don’t have added sugars or seed oils is essential for keeping home cooking healthy. I love and use pretty much all of Primal Kitchen’s dressings and condiments. (code: CARRIEFIT gets you 10% off of Primal Kitchen)
  10. Prioritize Sleep: Establish a consistent sleep schedule that allows for seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. Quality rest is crucial for mental clarity, mood regulation, and overall health. Blocking blue light from your phone and taking a high quality magnesium supplement can help you get better quality sleep. CBD for sleep like Joy Organics sleep gummies or sleep soft gels may also help with your quality of sleep.
  11. Practice Stress Management: Find activities that help you manage stress effectively. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, journaling (Life & Apples journals and wellness planners are my favorite! use code: CARRIEFIT for 15% off), or spending time in nature, reducing stress is vital for a healthier life. CBD from a company like Joy Organics may help you with your stress and anxiety as well (I love their CBD tinctures and soft gels).
  12. Limit Processed Foods: Reduce consumption of highly processed foods high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives. Opt for whole, natural foods whenever possible.

Embracing a healthier lifestyle in 2024 doesn’t require drastic changes; it’s about incorporating small, sustainable habits into your daily routine. By focusing on nutrition, movement, mental health, and mindfulness, you can pave the way for a year filled with vitality and well-being. Start today, and let these simple tips guide you towards a healthier and happier you in the upcoming year.

Which of these tips will you be incorporating this year?

Stay Healthy my Friends!


Carrie A Groff

PS. Bonus tip: The BrainBox™ is a revolutionary approach to finding a solution for stress, low mood and sleep issues. This affordable starter kit makes it easy for you to test 11 natural remedies formulated with scientifically proven ingredients! It’s the ultimate try-it-before-you-buy-it solution!

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Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things health, fitness, and nutrition. As a passionate advocate for natural nutrition and holistic well-being, I am committed to sharing valuable insights and resources to help you thrive on your path to a healthier lifestyle. Join me as we explore the transformative power of nourishing our bodies and minds, and embrace the joy of living well.

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